As a consortium we are a SQA Learning Centre and as well as deliver a number of SQA courses from level 3 to level 7.
Courses are individualised as much as possible to provide the best learning outcomes and qualifications for the individual participant. The main objective of any training we provide is to promote formal and non-formal education as a tool for personal and professional development, and support the integration into society of all those who have experienced social and economic exclusion.
Our history of working with learners whose life is unpredictable and often in cyclical crisis puts us in a strong position to provide support that is not limited to employment. Our programme of support and learning is holistic and works with the learner to address their current lived experience e.g., homelessness, problematic drug and alcohol misuse, enduring poor mental health, criminality, domestic violence and poverty. Our model of support covers a spectrum of socio-emotional support as well as focusing on improving the learner’s resilience and coping skills, which can include;
Financial and budgeting skills
Literacy skills
First aid training
Digital skills including:
Safe use of social media
Using platforms for accessing the labour market
Understanding the mindset of social media trolls and how to respond
Finding a website platform
Life skills including:
Career planning
Interview planning
Cooking skills and relating cooking to healthy eating to mood food
Basic house maintenance skills and independent living skills
Skills for starting your own legal business
Securing finance & training
Outdoor learning through our overseas volunteering projects
Socio-emotional support:
Support with health matters, accessing treatment, reviewing health care plans, creating safe wellbeing plans
Personal presentation skills
Confidence building
Self-esteem and mindfulness
Managing self and keeping self emotionally safe
Sexual health
Abstinence or maintenance
Recovery and how to re-engage with your goals
Recovering from the pandemic
How to build structure to the day
Using a crisis to move on in life
Building relationships with appropriate boundaries
Purposeful activity support
Developing and sustaining motivation and focus
Understanding the signs of controlling behaviour and emotional abuse in relationships
Gambling awareness training
Suicide ASSIST training
Young Person's Guarantee
The consortia participate in the Young Person Guarantee Programme as well as the Modern Apprentice scheme. Our aim is to ensure:
A system that provides flexible and person-centred support
Learning is straightforward for people to navigate;
is better integrated and aligned with other services, in particular, although not exclusively with health provision
provides pathways into sustainable and fair work;
supports more people – particularly those facing multiple barriers – to move into the right destination, at the right time
The units also have training space for plastering, papering, joinery and roofing. Given the co-location of the project, it can deliver blended activities utilising both premises.